Fri, Oct 18, 2024

Basic skills – literacy (reading and writing), mathematics, science and digital skills – are essential for individual growth, further learning, job opportunities, social integration and active citizenship.

According to the PISA 2022 study, there are significant underachievement in basic skills, with a significant share of 15-year-olds that are not able to interpret simple texts, use basic algorithms, or apply simple scientific knowledge. At the same time, the number of students reaching top performance in those skills is declining in many EU countries. Regarding digital skills, the 2018 International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) revealed that around one third of eighth graders (i.e., pupils around the age of 13) fell below the basic proficiency level.

More worryingly, there are notable disparities linked to socioeconomic background, access to resources and teaching quality; 48% of disadvantaged pupils in the EU underachieve in mathematics, and the percentage is rising.

The European Commission invites all interested parties to participate in a survey on the development of basic skills, literacy reading and writing, mathematics, science and digital skills until 31 October 2024.  

This questionnaire is available in all EU languages. To take part in this survey, click here:

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