Fri, Sep 20, 2024

More than 20 million women across the EU do not have access to safe abortion care. This not only puts women at risk of physical harm but also puts undue economic and mental stress on women and families who are often on the margins of society that can afford it the least.

It is unacceptable that women are still dying in Poland today because of this. That women suffer financially because abortion is not free. That women are forced to travel long distances or seek unsafe alternatives because of a lack of providers.

Together we can change this.

On the 24th of April, My Voice, My Choice movement  started collecting signatures across the EU in support of our European Citizens’ Initiative.

TODAY we’re calling on everyone to support safe and accessible abortion in Europe. With over 20 million women lacking access, we need your voice!

Sign this PETITION and help us make a difference for all women! Every signature counts!

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