Mon, Sep 16, 2024

Extraordinary Assembly of ASFDU Delegates 2024 and “Artificial Intelligence Challenge” Conference with Science Slam
Bern, August 31, 2024, UniS, University of Bern

The “centenary” milestone must be an opportunity to show the ASFDU in the present and to explore our future prospects. It should be an event at which university graduates and academics will be visible with their work in science and society. The conference is at the same time our 2024 continuing education, its theme our annual theme.

  • Extraordinary Assembly of ASFDU Delegates 2024
  • Conference “The challenge of artificial intelligence”
  • Science Slam “The challenge of artificial intelligence”

Participation & registration fees Conference

SVA members free participation
Non-members CHF 79.00
Students free participation
Science Slam free participation

Gala dinner

SVA members CHF 89.00
Non-members CHF 99.00
Students CHF 59.00

Participants can book the conference with or without the gala dinner or the framework program. Details of the framework program will follow with confirmation of registration. Please indicate your choice when registering.

Framework program

  • Friday evening, 7 p.m., informal dinner for participants arriving the day before at the Veranda restaurant, Schanzeneckstrasse 25, 3012 Bern
  • Sunday morning, 10:00 a.m., city tour I and II, excursion on the Gurten
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