The prize is created by the French Association of University Women (AFFDU) and by University Women of Europe (UWE). This prize rewards a biography in French by an author on the lives of women who have lived in France or abroad.
The Biography must be made available to the AFFDU/UWE Jury before MARCH 31, 2025
The prize of the contest is the publication of the biography in French by Editions Ampelos.
The laureate undertakes to rework her biography for publication.
Biographies selected by the jury may be published online on the websites dedicated to this purpose.
The summaries of the biographies submitted for the prize are published online on the websites of the AFFDU and UWE associations, as well as on the Publisher’s website.
It is advisable to send the biographies, before MARCH 31, 2025:
- In electronic file, with the format, a compressed first names, surnames
- The text of 160 000 signs maximum (spaces included), the appendices can be a bibliography of 2 000 signs spaces included and 18 illustrations maximum in PDF format
- A summary of the biography of 5,000 characters (spaces included, without any footnotes, in Word format)
- The summary must include a definition of the object of study, a brief presentation of the sources and the problematic as well as the main results of the research
- In French, if the text also exists in another language, it can be attached specially in English
- The author’s address and telephone number, email postal address
- A C.V.
- Authorization for publication by edition and on the web
- If the author is a University graduate, she will become a member of AFFDU. If the author is not a University graduate, she will become a related member or will make a donation equivalent to the AFFDU membership fee. She will thus subscribe to the social objectives of AFFDU as well as those of UWE which inspire this contest.
To be sent, using a large file sharing and transfer service, to:
Each year, the jury is composed of personalities and is chaired by:
The decisions of the Jury are final and without appeal