Sat, Sep 7, 2024
According to the Environment and Health Committee Conference of INGOs – Council of Europe, UN-Habitat has alerted recently  to the potential removal of the “participation” indicator from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
SDG 11.3.2 indicator: “Proportion of cities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management that operate regularly and democratically” is at risk of being removed from the SDG Global Database as less than 30% of countries have collected data for this indicator.
This indicator is crucial for the success of the SDGs and the Committee work in Strasbourg and beyond. We only have until June 2024 to gather enough data and revert this situation, and we need responses from representatives from different sectors – civil society, government, private sector, academia and professional bodies . There are many ways of participating in urban planning processes and management and your participation in the survey will contribute to measuring results at the city and country level and monitoring the localisation of SDG 11 worldwide. 
The official reason cited by actors – less favorable to participation – would be the lack of possible measurement.

UN-Habitat has developed a new data collection and monitoring tool in the form of a user-friendly SURVEY that can be translated into any language and only takes 3 minutes to complete. You can also visualise the scores on the map below and compare them with cities worldwide.

Please use the UN-Habitat tool at in your preferred language and contribute with your responses
And share this SURVEY with your networks, including political decision-makers, NGOs, both public and private sector contacts.
Prompt action and support are essential ! 
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