Sat, Dec 21, 2024
The UWE Board is pleased to invite applications from candidates interested in the position of VICE PRESIDENT of the UWE.
Starting September 2024, the board has two vacancies for Vice President, as the current Vice Presidents have served two consecutive terms.
Applications should be sent to by 29th August 2024 at the latest.


  • Applications for the positions of Vice President, should consist of a CV, photograph and a motivation letter indicating the candidate’s willingness to accept the post if elected. The NFA which nominates the candidate, should send a supporting letter pointing out how the candidate fulfills the requirements and criteria of the post.
  • Candidates will also be required to make a five-minute presentation at the UWE AGM in Durres, Albania on 28th September 2024, in which they will introduce themselves, outline their experience and qualifications for the position and indicate how they would propose to contribute to promoting the overall aims of UWE if elected.
  • Applications should be sent to, to arrive thirty days before the AGM, i.e. by 29th August 2024 at the latest.
  • Each board member will be asked to fulfill the requirements as described in the Profile of the UWE board member and the duties of a board member. In addition, the Vice President has specific profiles and duties.

► PROFILE UWE Board member:

Ideally a candidate for the UWE Board should have experience of working within her own National Federation/Association (NFA) or in a similar organization at board level.

She should be committed to furthering the aims and objectives of UWE, familiar with the European situation regarding gender equality and interested in advocating for equal opportunities for both women and men in all aspects of society. Preferably, she does not have an official function within her own NFA to avoid conflict of interest.

She must like to travel and a willingness to collaborate as part of a European team. It is important to clarify that this position is strictly voluntary; members of the UWE board cannot receive payment for their responsibilities, but may be reimbursed for approved expenses. Additionaly, up to 50% of meeting expenses may be refunded.



  • Fluent in English (both written and orally) and preferably in French as it is an official language of the CoE and used at the European Women’s Lobby.
  • Collective governance adept;
  • Should have knowledges about the organization of the EU and Council of Europe


The duties of the UWE vice-president can be as follows:

  • Participating in the INGO Conferences of the Council of Europe and reporting on them to the UWE-members;
  • Participating in the European Women’s Lobby meetings and report on them to the UWE-members;
  • Participating in other gender lobby activities;
  • Follow actions decided by the board;
  • Supporting the President by visiting other NFA’s from time to time for special celebrations;
  • Contributing to the UWE work by assisting in the board meetings, AGM, Meet & Greet and writing annual reports.
*For any additional questions, please feel free to contact our current Vice Presidents and Dr. Anne  Negre, President of UWE, via email or phone.
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