Sat, Feb 22, 2025

© Council of Europe

UWE has drafted a questionnaire to monitor the Recommendation: CM/Rec (2019)11 on “Preventing and combating sexism” adopted by the Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe on 27 March 2019.

Our focus will be Sexism on Education and for this purpose, we asked UWE members support to share among the institutions in your countries including: Ministry of Education; Universities; High Schools and/or other relevant target groups.  

The primary objective of the questionnaire will be to:(i) Contribute to preventing and combating sexism in Education System including higher education institution and universities in different Member States of the Council of Europe; as well conduct a final report with the gaps of different systems for member states in terms of addressing this issue; (ii) Map existing national system for implementation of this recommendation, reporting and follow up to understand how they implement, prevent and combine sexism in academic level and thereby facilitate an exchange of good practices and lesson learnt; (iii) Undertake specific needs for further technical assistance for Member States to establish and/or strength their academic system for preventing sexism since in earlier ages; (iv) Provide information to be used in advocacy for formulating common guiding principles for sexism against girls and women in Europe.

The deadline for the response of this questionnaire from all the relevant institutions should be at the latest 15th September.

After collecting all the datas from UWE members  in the format of a Report from each country,  by 15 th September, we will draft a final Report with all the feedback and findings to submit to the Council of Europe in fulfillment to our mission. 

The Recommendation on Preventing and Combating Sexism was adopted in March 2019 by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, This text contains the first ever internationally agreed definition of sexism.

It also proposes a set of concrete measures to combat this wide-spread phenomenon including through legislation and policies and through awareness-raising.

The recommendation proposes specific tools and measures to prevent and combat sexism and sexist behaviour in the areas of language and communications, Internet and social media, media and advertising. The recommendation proposes specific attention to sexism in justice and education institutions, in culture and sport, as well as in the private sector.

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