Sat, Feb 22, 2025

The UWE Board is pleased to invite applications from candidates interested in the position of Vice President of the UWE.

Starting September 10, 2021, the Board has two vacancies for Vice President.

The ideal UWE-Vice President should have collected some experience in working within her national federation/association (NFA) or a similar organization. She is familiar with the European Situation on Gender equality and is interested in the lobby for equal opportunities in all aspects of society for women and men.

She enjoys travelling and is keen to work in a European team. Preferably she does not have an official function within her own NFA to avoid conflict of interest.

Applications by the NFA in a letter of recommendation should be accompanied by a CV, photograph and a motivational letter stating the candidate will accept the Vice Presidency should the AGM elect the candidate.

The candidate is also required to present herself during 5 minutes at the UWE AGM &Conference in Helsinki, FINLAND 10-12 September 2021.

Applications should be made to  to arrive ten days before the AGM, i.e., by 1st of September 2021 at the latest.

The board meet twice a year, at the AGM and mid-term. We convene via zoom and work together via the internet. We are looking for Vice Presidents interested in seeking contacts with other international NFA’s to work on proposals and actions. We have no office and no secretariat except for the Secretary General responsible mostly for PR.


  • Fluent in English (both written and orally) and preferably French
  • digitally able: e.g., Skype, Zoom; WordPress, Facebook, etc.

–  Collective governance adept

–  Knowledge of the EU and Council of Europe


The duties of the UWE vice-president will be divided in the board and can be:

  • Preparing projects
  • Networking
  • Representing the UWE
  • Supporting the president by visiting other NFA’s time to time for special celebrations etc.
  • Contributing to the UWE strategic and working plan
  • Writing the annual report
  • Sending news and articles for the website

Note: The UWE gives a small remuneration which covers the travel costs in part. In practice a Vice President of UWE spends approximately 1500 Euro per year additionally

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