Sat, Feb 22, 2025

In the global context of COVID-19 pandemic, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest umbrella organisation of women’s civil society in Europe representing over 2,000 women’s associations, are reporting on the dire situations of women and girls who now face deepening risks of male violence, poverty and threats to their economic independence. Despite this, at the heart of this crisis, women and women’s organisations are leading in the delivery of frontline and essential services. EWL stands in awe, admiration and gratitude for the levels of community engagement and collective solidarity as women form the majority of health, care and social workers.

This crisis reminds us that care is the backbone of our society. After years of austerity and cuts to social and health infrastructure, this crisis is a painful wakeup call; our society and economy has been heading in the wrong direction and now is the time to rethink our social, economic and political priorities. Plans for redesign and renewal of our systems post COVID-19 must be based on shared values of solidarity and care. With this policy brief, EWL calls for recognition of the undervalued, and often invisible contributions of women, and demand the EU and national responses to this health crisis leave no woman or girl behind.

This brief provides recommendations to the European Commission and EU Member States to ensure that gender mainstreaming is incorporated across all immediate and long-term responses, using this moment as an opportunity for feminist social transformation in-line with the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy. These recommendations focus on upholding democratic principles, combatting male violence against women and girls, ensuring women’s economic independence, and guaranteeing access to healthcare for all as a central priority in this crisis. Best practice examples have also been provided across Europe through the invaluable contributions of EWL Board members.

Please read, share and download the policy brief:  “Women must not pay the price for COVID-19: Putting equality between women and men at the heart of the response to COVID-19 across Europe” 


EWL Policy Brief translated by EWL Members into different languages:


Statements and resources on gender & COVID-19

EWL Statement with links to other resources on COVID-19

EWL Members’s resources and statements on COVID-19.




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