Sat, Feb 22, 2025

Please send us your proposals for the agenda ultimately 1 august 2017 at Due to personal circumstances we were not able to present the draft agenda earlier That is why we urge you to send us your questions and proposals asap. the link for the program of the full conference is here Conference Program June 2017

Annual General Meeting Agenda – GRAZ, 26th of AUGUST 2017

08.45 – 09.00 am  Registration. To be able to vote at the AGM either the known CER (as known on the website) or a delegate with a proxy from the NFA must present themselves as such at the registration desk on the day of the AGM. Only NFA’s that have paid their dues on the 15th of August will be allowed to vote.

  • 09.00 am 11.00 Welcome
    EU Strategy Gender Equality, by Isabelle Trimaille Vice President UWE
  • Sharing reports NFAs: please use the ppt draft report as we will have a “inspiration Market”. Meaning we will use lunch also as a moment to get more info on the main subjects and themes of NGAs. There will be a slide show during the whole conference during breaks and of course on our website and Facebook.

12.30 lunch – voting and meeting up with Cers

13.30 second part AGM

1. Adoption agenda

2. Minutes the minutes  were published on this site within a month after the AGM in Winchester.  Minutes AGM 2016

3. Reports

a. overall report by the President

b. Vice Presidents

c. Financial statement 2016. Election of members financial committee; we call for members of the financial committee

Financial statement and proposal will follow shortly.

4. Proposal to host a seminar Equal Pay in Amsterdam half October 2017
The UWE has great news. As you know we have a collective complaint in fifteen countries against the social charter on the subject of Equal Pay.

Collective Complaint Equal Pay for Equal work We can compliment Anne Negre, our representative at the INGO conference of the Council of Europe for her work as the complaints are admissable. It means we will get answers of the governments as to why the feel they don’t need to take measures of adapt their policies to make sure women and men are paid equally in their countries. We will receive those by September. It means by the end of October our answers will have to be ready. So the UWE organises a meeting of three days in Amsterdam for the experts and lawyers of each country involved. It will be around half October. Please look around you for experts on Equal pay and some excellent writers. The proposal at the AGM will be to host the meeting including a lunch and dinner. So the associations or individual members will have to pay their own trip and accomodation.

5. Adaptation of the UWE Constitution UWE Constitution new   and Bye Laws.

Reasons for changing the constitution   

Current UWE Constitution

UWE Constitution remarks

Background: In 2015 it was decided that because of the name change of the IFUW into GWI the UWE Constitution needed to be adapted. A committee was installed to adapt the UWE constitution and bye-laws. The committee was led by CER of Finland and lawyer Marita Salo and consisted of three other lawyers: Annelies Pierrot, Anne Negre and Georgeta Stoican. Besides the name change of IFUW to GWI the UWE board proposes to adapt the deadlines for proposals and plans as it is now possible to communicate digitally. Also the possibility of electronic vote is part of the new constitution and lastly to accept associated members. Last year we had an extensive discussion during the AGM and came up with a possible solution. Namely to introduce the concept of “friends of UWE” as members like GWI has in 2016 in Cape Town. 

6. Proposal Next AGM 2018 and Meet and Greet 2018
Due to circumstances in Sicily the planned Meet and Greet 2017 could not be held. Fildis has made it known to us that they have the intention to host a Meet and Greet in April 2018. 

We hope to receive invitations for the AGM.

Proposal to host 2018 UWE AGM & Conference in Rome

7. Budget 2018 and Proposal dues 2018. The balance will be presented under the reports. Because we have less members in 2016 still hoping to get more  with allowing for associate members, the Board proposes… The proposal will follow shortly. 

8. Any other business.


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